
Rants and thoughts on various art and design related topics. These include things from the world wide web to art galleries.

February 16, 2011

Heapr: Better than the Traditional Google Search?

So I came across an interesting site called Heapr. Not exactly a name that's easily remembered, but what this site could do amazed me and I wondered whether something like this will eventually gain traction to become popular. Seeing as it consolidates all your searching into one engine I can see how it's useful
February 15, 2011

Pizza Gigi Equals $1M in Marijuana

Thank you to my Art Director for allowing me to post his crazy ideas this graphic format (I know it's graphically horrible, but hey I did it in 5 minutes). I'm surprised I was able to find a photo relating coke and pizza....very odd.
February 4, 2011

GrooveShark: FREE Streaming Music At Your Fingertips!

It allowed me to play almost any song I wanted and it was FREE!! Check out this free music/radio player at
January 28, 2011

Who wouldn’t want some PIE? CSS3 Decoration for Internet Explorer 6-8.

PIE makes Internet Explorer 6-8 capable of rendering several of the most useful CSS3 decoration features