
Rants and thoughts on various art and design related topics. These include things from the world wide web to art galleries.

October 7, 2010

Google: Kill the JPEG with WebP?

Why get rid of the JPEG? It's become such a popular format that everyone knows and understands.
October 1, 2010

Web Font Embedding: Cufon is the future, bye sIFR

Everyone wants to be unique, especially on the web. Graphic designers are able to create different feelings and evoke different emotions through illustrations and fonts. Using fonts can be tricky but when you've found the one that matches your personality, you'll always want to use it.
September 28, 2010

Freelance to Freedom Flow Chart

This was a very interesting, funny, and insightful flowchart. I love that some people take the time to analyze and think about these things.
September 24, 2010

The Reality of Customer Focus: We Design For Ourselves

When we design, sometimes the simplist thing that we can do is design for what we "think" our customer would want - which ends up turning out as what we the designer would want. Often times, research is a neglected area for small businesses, and even when large businesses do it, it's sometime not executed properly.