
Rants and thoughts on various art and design related topics. These include things from the world wide web to art galleries.

July 15, 2010

The Value of Design in Canada: What is Important?

How do you put a price on the value of design? There are many factors that contribute to answering this question and it doesn't have anything to with how many years you have been in the industry designing sites.
June 29, 2010

GM’s AR Windshield: Safe or Distracting?

If cellphones are a distraction, wouldn't things appearing on your windshield be as well? I'm quite skeptical that an AR windshield would be useful in practical driving situations.
June 15, 2010

How to Pick Photography for Web Design

It's been a few months now since I've had my Canon XSi and it seems there's so much to learn about photography that I haven't had enough time to get out there and play with it. At the same time, this insight into photography has helped increase my awareness of photography selection when it comes to web design.
June 1, 2010

Should a Designer’s Career Progression be Measured by Their Portfolio?

So you think you've got it all you're working for a big agency that gives you all sorts of opportunities to do your best and be as creative as you can be. Or maybe you're the exact opposite stuck in a job with no creativity whatsoever. Regardless of where you start its important to keep progressing.