
September 15, 2010

20+ New Apps and Websites for Designers Sep. 2010

This is a great article full of resources for designers and developers. It's up-to-date as of September 2010. This one I'm definitely keeping in my library of tools. It kind of changed my mind about the there might actually be a practical use for it for design.
August 20, 2010

The Top 11 Things I Learned in Paris

Paris was quite the experience and an amazing place for any trip. My recent visit there on my honeymoon opened my eyes to the great differences between cultures and countries. Some places like here in Canada may seem behind in technology, but we are ahead in many others including research and certain social aspects.
July 15, 2010

The Value of Design in Canada: What is Important?

How do you put a price on the value of design? There are many factors that contribute to answering this question and it doesn't have anything to with how many years you have been in the industry designing sites.
June 29, 2010

GM’s AR Windshield: Safe or Distracting?

If cellphones are a distraction, wouldn't things appearing on your windshield be as well? I'm quite skeptical that an AR windshield would be useful in practical driving situations.