
Articles related to the design of world wide web – from graphics, to illustrations, to user experience.

May 27, 2011

Designers Should Also Be Photographers

There are two things that are fundamental to the creation of web designs, art, and photography. That first thing is light and the second is composition. Eric Anderson's portfolio is a great example of this. As we begin to see the digital world consume print materials and transform them into interactive works of art there comes a stronger need for better light and composition in designs and photos.
May 20, 2011

Equation for Great Designs

Scientists believe that everything can be explained by math, logic and equations. Oddly enough some artists believe, as well as religious communities that there is more to our world than that. My thoughts tend to lean to the former.
May 3, 2011

Can you be a Web Designer?

Have the right attitude as a designer is crucial to success. Sometimes the feedback that designers and artist get is that we are weird in some way or another. Being more right brained isn't a bad thing and it doesn't imply that we are any less capable of handling left brain responsibilities.
April 22, 2011

How to do Digital Design: The 5 Layers

If you've ever thought (or still think) design is easy you may want to rethink that after this. Design, in my opinion, is more challenging than most realize and is more of a process rather than a visual exercise.